MULTICAL® 403 Contents 1 General description .8 1.1 Mechanical construction.9 1.2 Electronic structure.10 2 Technical data .11 2.1 Approved meter data.11 2.2 Electrical data.13 2.3 Mechanical data.15 2.4 Materials .15 2.5 Accuracy.16 3 Type overview .17 3.1 Type number.18 3.1.1 Accessories .19 3.2 Configuration numbers .22 3.2.1 Flow sensor position >A< .23 3.2.2 Measuring unit >B<.23 3.2.3 Flow sensor coding >CCC< .23 3.2.4 Display code >DDD<.25 3.2.5 Tariffs >EE< .28 3.2.6 Pulse inputs A and B >FF-GG<.33 3.2.7 Integration mode >L< .36 3.2.8 Cold water leakage >N< .37 3.2.9 Pulse outputs C and D >PP<.37 3.2.10 Data logger profile >RR< .39 3.2.11 Encryption level >T<.41 3.2.12 Customer label >VVVV< .41 3.3 Data.42 3.4 Serial number and extended availability .44 3.5 Target date.45 4 Installation.46 4.1 Installation requirements.46 4.2 Inlet prerequisites .47 4.3 Orientation of Kamstrup’s flow sensors .48 4.3.1 General recommendations .48 4.3.2 Recommendations for heat applications .49 4.3.3 Recommendations for cooling and combined heat/cooling applications.50 Kamstrup A/S · Technical description · FILE100000166_C_EN_07.2024 3
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