Instant notification on irregularities The more information you have, the faster and more focused you can react to any irregularities that may occur. Instant notifications and alarms from the meters in your network regarding unexpected occurrences such as tampering attempts or reverse flow enable you to quickly take the necessary actions to prevent revenue loss and protect both network and your customers. Following the technological breakthroughs in recent years, it is no longer just about smart meters and consumption data, but also about adding other smart devices to your distribution network such as sensors that can provide detailed data on other parameters, for example, water quality. Let your numbers do the talking Kamstrup has developed an online tool that makes it easier for you to break down your business case for automated meter reading. By choosing the focus area(s) for your utility and applying facts and numbers from your everyday work, you get an idea of the potential value for your utility. Dive in at ultMraescohanical vs. nic meters A better basis for decision-making The technological development and digitalisation of the water industry shows no sign of slowing down, but the right tools can help water utilities decrease the complexity of their daily work and transform their meter data into valuable knowledge. However, not until you have deciphered the individual components that make up your business case for automated meter reading, will you know the actual difference that working more proactively with data will mean for your utility today as well as in the future. Ultrasonic rev meters accuraecnyuteh as theyemnaabinle you to incr roughout the tain en pinpointease tire lifetime. Let’s talk about.
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